OS LAB1 实验报告 发表于 2022-09-18 | 更新于 2022-09-18
| 字数总计: 1.7k | 阅读时长: 7分钟 |
xv6环境搭建过程 1. 安装VMware虚拟机 2. 下载Ubuntu ISO包 3. 于VMware创建Ubuntu 系统虚拟机 4. xv6的环境搭建 4.1 在虚拟机中运行以下命令 1 sudo apt-get install git build-essential gdb-multiarch qemu-system-misc gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu
4.2 安装Xv6 安装git:
1 2 3 4 git clone git://g.csail.mit.edu/xv6-labs-2021cd xv6-labs-2021 git checkout util git commit -am 'my solution for util lab exercise 1'
1 2 git config --global user.name 'Kevin' git config --global user.email '1171407839@qq.com'
5.三个练手小程序 5.1 sleep 1 Implement the UNIX program sleep for xv6; your sleep should pause for a user-specified number of ticks . A tick is a notion of time defined by the xv6 kernel, namely the time between two interrupts from the timer chip. Your solution should be in the file user/sleep.c.
5.1.1 解题思路 从user/user.h 中system call可以看到sleep函数的声明为 int sleep(int);
所以,可以从main中的参数argc(argument count)确定参数的个数,其中,第一个参数为程序的名称,即sleep,而正确运行还需要一个且仅需要一个int型参数。所以当argc不为2时,则输出错误信息并退出;否则,将argv[1]转化为int传入sleep(),随后正常退出。
5.1.2 代码 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 #include "kernel/types.h" #include "user/user.h" #include "kernel/stat.h" int main (int argc,const char * argv[]) { if (argc != 2 ){ printf ("%s" ,"Error!Wrong Format!" ); exit (1 ); } sleep(atoi(argv[1 ])); exit (0 ); }
5.1.3 运行结果测试
5.2 pingpong 1 Write a program that uses UNIX system calls to '' ping-pong'' a byte between two processes over a pair of pipes, one for each direction. The parent should send a byte to the child; the child should print "<pid>: received ping" , where <pid> is its process ID, write the byte on the pipe to the parent, and exit ; the parent should read the byte from the child, print "<pid>: received pong" , and exit . Your solution should be in the file user/pingpong.c.
5.2.1 解题思路 fork()用于创建子进程,当fork返回0时,表示当前正处于子进程;在父进程中,fork返回新创建子进程的进程ID;若出现错误,fork返回负值。
当前进程为子进程时,关闭子进程的写与父进程的读端,当子进程从管道0读到父进程写入管道1的字节时,输出当前pid 与 ping;当前进程为父进程时,关闭父进程的写与子进程的读端,当父进程从管道1读到子进程写入管道0的字节时,输出当前pid 与 pong,最后关闭两个管道的所有读写端口。
5.2.2 代码 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 #include "kernel/types.h" #include "kernel/stat.h" #include "user/user.h" const int READ = 0 ;const int WRITE = 1 ;int main () { int child; int filede0[2 ]; int filede1[2 ]; if (pipe(filede0) || pipe(filede1)) { printf ("Error!Pipe Call Fails!" ); exit (1 ); } if ((child= fork()) == 0 ) { close(filede0[WRITE]); close(filede1[READ]); write(filede0[WRITE], "child" , 1 ); read(filede1[READ], "from father" , 1 ); printf ("%d: received ping\n" , getpid()); close(filede0[READ]); close(filede1[WRITE]); exit (0 ); } else { close(filede0[READ]); close(filede1[WRITE]); write(filede0[WRITE], "father" , 1 ); read(filede1[READ], "from child" , 1 ); printf ("%d: received pong\n" , getpid()); close(filede1[READ]); close(filede0[WRITE]); wait(0 ); } exit (0 ); }
5.2.3 运行结果测试
5.3 primes 1 Write a concurrent version of prime sieve using pipes. This idea is due to Doug McIlroy, inventor of Unix pipes. The picture halfway down this page and the surrounding text explain how to do it . Your solution should be in the file user/primes.c.
5.3.1 解题思路 进程1输入2-35;进程2打印第一个质数2后,将所有进程1输入的、是进程2打印的质数的倍数的丢弃,把剩余的交给进程3;进程3打印第二个质数3,将所有进程2输入的、是进程3打印的质数的倍数丢弃,把剩余交给进程4……一直重复,直至剩余的输入为空。
5.3.2 代码 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 #include "kernel/types.h" #include "kernel/stat.h" #include "user/user.h" const int MAX = 35 ;const int READ = 0 ;const int WRITE = 1 ;void primes (int pre_read) { int prime; if (read(pre_read, &prime, sizeof (int )) <= 0 ) exit (0 ); printf ("prime %d\n" , prime); int filede[2 ]; pipe(filede); if (fork() == 0 ) { close(filede[WRITE]); primes(filede[READ]); close(filede[READ]); } else { int temp; close(filede[READ]); while (read(pre_read, &temp, sizeof (int ))) if (temp % prime != 0 ) write(filede[WRITE], &temp, sizeof (int )); close(filede[WRITE]); wait(0 ); } exit (0 ); }int main () { int filede[2 ]; pipe(filede); if (fork() == 0 ) { close(filede[WRITE]); primes(filede[READ]); close(filede[READ]); } else { close(filede[READ]); for (int i=2 ;i<=MAX;i++) write(filede[WRITE],&i,sizeof (int )); close(filede[WRITE]); wait(0 ); } exit (0 ); }
5.3.3 运行结果测试
6.实验心得 首先,配置环境应该选比较充裕的时间,防止校园网网速过慢导致一个学生失去他的梦想,几个G的Ubuntu系统,以及几百M的VMware虚拟机软件等,还没开始配置一个下午就过去了;不仅如此,git clone 在 github+校园网双重debuff下,更是交出了10k/s的下载速度,看他下载又看了一晚上,不过最后也终于可以运行了。